Short header list sections for each size, with production information for that size.If a game is not listed here, you may also check the Card Sleeve Size Geeklist, and if you need a size not listed here you may be interested in the Data for the Card Sleeve Size Geeklist. In some cases, exact matches are not possible, or are unavailable, thus substitute (if not best) sleeve sizes can be indicated in the sleeve product heading. Note that each game should only appear once for each type of card sleeve needed. Users are encouraged to contribute to the below list, as per the wiki guidelines, to increase the value of this resource. Wikis tap into the distributed power of the community to provide the most recent information without the cost to a single editor. The following list is intended to assist in what has become a common question on most games' forums - what card size? This wiki page was based on an original Geeklist by NorDier, as listed below in sources. Article Edit | History | Editors Action Page